ADJUGO and XP-days Benelux 2022


XP-days is a grassroots agile conference

For over twenty years, enthusiasts of agile methodologies from the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg have come together to organize a yearly conference. Online last year because of COVID. Live again in 2022 and for the first time in Luxembourg.

ADJUGO participates in the organization, is a sponsor, and actively contributes. Even though the program is outstanding in general, we would like to emphasize the contributions made by our team and our valued partners. And we hope you will join us in Luxembourg, on 8 and 9 September 2022 in the Park Hotel Alvisse.

Participatory budgeting and Lean Portfolio Management 

The first of the ADJUGO speakers is ADJUGO's own Chris Verlinden, with a 90-minute session on Lean Portfolio Management and a very interactive experience on Participatory Budgeting (PB).

In PB, people discuss at a table how they would spend the total budget if it was up to them. We can afterward take into account all tables and derive a budget from that. First used in some cities in California, SAFe has now adopted it as a way to use the wisdom of the crowd to allocate the budget to what the different stakeholders think is important.

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Engagement scan

Teams look to their leaders, scrum masters, coaches, and managers to be engaging and inspiring figures, serving as role models. In turn, leaders anticipate that their teams will be self-organizing, committed to continuous improvement, and enjoy their work. To be engaged.

Join our session and experience how to make a team: 

  • warmly welcome an idea instead of complaining about it at the coffee machine
  • start a creative discussion on how to make things happen instead of swiping it under the rug

Be prepared for a confronting and insightful experience! And leave the session with 5 concrete tips to build more engagement.

The Engagement scan is part of the TeamGrowing approach the ADJUGO uses to help teams grow in their self-organization. Karen en Jurgen are presenting...

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Spiral into Teamwork 

Did you ever wonder why some communities/ departments/teams live/work well together while others clash? What patterns govern our growth and development? What needs drive us to act the way we do? And what can you learn from that to improve the collaboration and effectiveness of your teams?

In this session, we create a constellation using Spiral Dynamics to understand better the ingredients for team and individual growth and well-being.

Remi-Armand Collaris from our partner Organisatie 4.0 presents the workshop.

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Dreaming of a fully aligned multi-team environment? 

Have you ever taken part in an exhilarating and inspiring big room planning event?

In this gathering, we will unleash our imaginations to create a wondrous new realm, collaboratively deciding its design and outlining the key components for its development. We can't wait to have you join one of our magical teams.

You will experience the elements needed to engage, motivate people, and create a learning organization. 4 steps that really make a difference. After each step, we will reflect to reality.

TeamGrowing coaches Jurgen Maus and Stefan Vanlokeren present this Simulation game of a 4-step approach to align dreams, priorities, scope & delivery forecast

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in News
ADJUGO Refresher Day Team coaches
Friday May 13th (that is bold) Kloosterhotel Zin in Vught (NL)